5 Underrated reasons you need to build a Granny Flat today


You might already have noticed in movies particularly horror movies; every house has an additional small house that is made either akin to the main house property or just at a distance. The reason these small additional houses are gaining huge popularity is due to their massive benefits for the homeowner. Don’t believe us? Well, find it out for you right below.

But before we proceed, if anytime you make up your mind about building granny flats in Newcastle, then make sure to hit this link. Being a highly acclaimed construction site, they have outstanding ideas to build new and innovative houses in less space and on-time. Visit the website to learn more.


1.                  It’s a Smart Investment

Granny homes can be rented or, oppositely, the main flat can be rented for income, while making granny home a permanent place to reside.

Even though building another flat might be costly without a doubt yet, if the flat is a granny flat akin to your actual house or even built separately it can result in a real-time investment.

People have this misconception, granny flats are too small for an entire family to live in, but actually, it’s not the case. Granny family can be customized from 400 square feet to 80 square feet, hence, which is quite convenient for a family to reside in altogether.


granny flats in Newcastle

2.                  No Council Approval is required

It is an underrated secret; granny homes do not require council approval rather if made attached to the original flat.

Granny homes are generally large in size, mostly no bigger than 400square feet which is why it doesn’t require any formal council approval.

Even if there is a must-requirement of approval from the DA (development approval), the procedure wouldn’t take longer than 10 days.


3.                  It can be a Special Retreat

Granny home is the option for a small gathering or couples house party.

Parties generally leave the entire house messy and dirty, and later it becomes extremely difficult to clean. But if unnecessary space is swapped with granny homes then definitely you have to clean comparatively lesser space. Besides, the plus point of granny homes is, they make the gathering feel cozy and more private.


4.                  Granny homes can be your very own ‘Movie Theater’

Yes, you heard it right! The granny homes can be transformed into Movie Theater and be cherished with family and kids over weekends.

Turning your granny homes can be a great option as it can save you a lot of money from being wasted. As per the sources, the cost of the movie charges around $20 per head, and if going with family, it would cost around $120 or more with snacks depending on the family members.


5.                  It can be your storage space

In big families, the storage room is a must-have. It results in the best space if you want to keep the unnecessary or unused items outside of your house. Also, it improves flexibility in the house.


Now, if you are convinced with the idea of building granny flats and want to have one in your house then, feel free to contact DareConstruction Pty Ltd. anytime.

They are an acclaimed construction service provider and can help you make your dream granny home come alive. Visit the website today and get started.


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